I have a large Flex 3.3 application configured to use LCDS within a JBOSS war.  
I've setup RemoteObject declarations using Cairngorm's ServiceLocator pattern.  
The application works great and is able to send and receive data on it's own 
just perfectly.

I also have a separate smaller Flex 3.3 application in a different war 
configured similarly.

Although both applications can be used individually, I'd like to load the 
smaller application into the first, larger application using SWFLoader (and 
setting the LoaderContext to use a new ApplicationDomain).

Unfortunately, the sub-application cannot make any service calls now and I'm at 
a loss.  I figure it might be some sort of sandbox issue but I'm not sure.

The exception thrown via JBOSS looks like this:

"No destination with id 'null' is registered with any service."

and the runtime exception in the browser looks like this:

"TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert obj...@1b434ad9 
to mx.messaging.messages.ErrorMessage."

Has anyone else run into this same situation?

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