I'm trying to create a cairngorm version of my application, as such I've
used the namespace:


However as far as I can tell it seems using the name 'cairngorm' in my
project namespace is causing problems with the actual cairngorm swc. I've
tried the below test and found it isn't a cairngorm specific issue...

In a library project I have an interface (or what is IModelLocator in
cairngorm package):

package com.someframework
    public interface ITestClass    {    }

in my actual flex project I have a class that implements this interface (or
my modellocator in my real project):

package com.myproject.someframework
    public class TestClass implements com.someframework.ITestClass
        public function TestClass()    {}

now in my main.mxml file i try:

var test:com.someframework.ITestClass = new

which gives me the following errors:

1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: ITestClass.
Main.mxml    NamespaceBugTest/src    line 6    Flex Problem
1120: Access of undefined property com.    Main.mxml
NamespaceBugTest/src    line 6    Flex Problem

Is this expected behaviour and I'm missing something obvious or a flex

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