Tracy, I have to agree.  I was able to get a fully functional item renderer 
based on ListItemRenderer.  However, in theory, one should be able to do it in 
MXML.  With that in mind, I replaced the UITextField with mx:Text.  It's 
probably not surprising to many that the renderer does not behave as expected 
anymore.  The height issue appears to be tied to the component in some fashion. 
 I'd file a defect but I haven't seen much ROI in such reports.

--- In, "Tracy Spratt" <tr...@...> wrote:
> Sorry, no magic sauce here.  I had some pixie dust somewhere, but. Was it
> Asimov or Clark that said, "Any sufficiently advanced technology is
> indistinguishable from magic"?
> When I needed a variable height renderer, I copied ListItemRenderer and
> modified to my needs.  That was the only way I could get it to work. It is
> also *much* more performant than a container based renderer.  The magic is
> indeed in the measure() function.  
> If you do not have a lot of items to renderer, Repeater works well with
> variable heights.
> Tracy Spratt,
> Lariat Services, development services available
>   _____  
> From: [] On
> Behalf Of wubac1
> Sent: Saturday, April 18, 2009 2:02 AM
> To:
> Subject: [flexcoders] Custom List ItemRenderer / Recycling troubles (height
> incorrect)
> I'm attempting to create a very simple item renderer for mx:List. I've found
> that when the dataProvider is static, there are no problems with the custom
> item
> renderer. However, when the dataProvider is dynamic, the height of the item
> renderer is not correct (and scroll bars appear for each renderer with any
> meaningful # of rows). I've set variableRowHeight="true" for the List. I've
> also tried overriding the measure function and invaliding the size when a
> dataChange event is dispatched (based on information provided on FlexCoders
> in previous discussions along these lines).
> CommentRenderer.mxml:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> <mx:VBox xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe. <>
> com/2006/mxml" width="100%">
> <mx:Script>
> <![CDATA[
> override protected function measure():void
> {
> super.measure();
> measuredHeight = comment.textHeight;
> }
> ]]>
> </mx:Script>
> <mx:LinkButton label="{}"/>
> <mx:Text id="comment" width="100%" text="{data.comment}"
> dataChange="invalidateSize()"/>
> </mx:VBox>
> The mx:List definition:
> <mx:List id="comments" itemRenderer="com.test.CommentRenderer" width="100%"
> height="100%"/>
> I've looked over the ListItemRenderer, but have so far been unable to glean
> the
> magic sauce that makes the item renderer function correctly when the control
> recycles. Can someone explain / provide a functional example(s) with mx:Text
> (ActionScript and MXML examples preferred, for completeness)?

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