if you only have to reload the data every 3 minutes, you should be  
fine using a timer.

You won't get the 'script running too long' error as a result of using  
a timer. That error happens basically when  code takes too long to  
process or goes into an infinite loop.


On Apr 21, 2009, at 11:34 AM, flexaustin wrote:

> I think I asked this question before but my searches for my messages  
> come up empty (search in this forum is awful).
> I have a Flex application that I need to do polling. Because of the  
> implementation/install of our app I cannot use any push technology.
> So my solution, which I am not sure will work, is to create a timer  
> on my the main stage that every 3 minutes tell the app to it needs  
> to make another httpservice call.
> My question is can this be done or if I create a timer that loops  
> forever will I get a Timeout error "script has been running blah  
> blah or what ever the time error says"?
> Or I could create a timer and have it run and when it sends out a  
> request create a new timer and kill/delete/remove the last timer?
> Any other way to accomplish this?

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