Hi there,

I am getting this error msg. There is a crossdomain.xml at 

SecurityError: Error #2121: Security sandbox violation: LoaderInfo.content: 
http://www.domain-1.com/app.swf cannot access 
http://www.domain-2.com/thumb.swf. This may be worked around by calling 

Would u please tell me how to fix this error?
- John


private function loadFile():void
        _request = new URLRequest( data.thumb );
        _loader = new Loader();
        var context:LoaderContext = new LoaderContext( true );
        _loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener( Event.COMPLETE, 
onLoadComplete );
        //_loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener( IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, 
onLoadIOError );
        _loader.load( _request , context );

protected function onLoadComplete( event:Event ):void 

        _imgHolder.source = event.target.url;
        _object = event.currentTarget.content;
        _imgHolder.width  = Math.round( _object.loaderInfo.width );
        _imgHolder.height = Math.round( _object.loaderInfo.height );

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