What you are asking is a huge task... even the prospect of using classes in
Flash Lite will cause huge performance issues not to mention the fact that
you will have to translate/port any Flex framework bits you use in your Flex
app to Flash Lite. This would not be a trivial task.

I wouldn¹t recommend trying to create a Flash Lite product that maintains
parity with a Flex app without serious contemplation on what your users
Œactually¹ need and not what they Œthink¹ they need.

Rick Winscot

On 4/23/09 2:28 AM, "itdanny2002" <itdann...@gmail.com> wrote:

> We want to use a flex program (FP7) on
> mobile. However, not much mobile supports.
> Both Flex Builder (Output Flash) and
> Flash CS4 (ouput Flash Lite) support ActionScript.
> Can I change all code to ActionScript in Flex Builder
> and then use it in Flash CS4 ?
> Please show me the way. Thank you very much.

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