loading modules 

I've been rearranging my application to use modules to reduce load time and 
prepare it to handle later larger development etc...
All is well I've got it loading modules and such and learned a lot over the 
past few days. 

I have several modules that have large images it uses with source= and some 
other swf's it loads....I prefer not to allow caching since these items change 
a lot.

On a localhost connection (dev) It can take 10 seconds to load the module etc.
At first I thought it was needing a preloading technique that adobe offers so i 
tried that to load while the app loaded etc.. no go

then i tried to see if i could add a progress bar on top of the module loading 
so the user is at least informed but to my dismay it loads too fast for the 
progress bar to show up

heres the size of the swif being loaded
364K 2009-04-23 13:54 nutrition.swf

the images and other swfs that load into this module are about 1-2 megs total. 

If i avoid using modules it loads on localhost almost instantly :(

I have a feeling the source = for images and swf loading is whats dragging it 
to load fast.

What options do i have for either preloading quicker for this module?
Is it possible that my custom component is causing this performance issue?

anyone had this kind of issue with rendering slow?

sources used already are:


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