hi guys i have a problem with video display play button in flex 2. when i click 
the play button i get this error "TypeError: Error #1006: play is not a 
function.at custom_comps::home/__playButton_click()". here is my code please 
guide me.thanks

<mx:Panel width="350" height="50%" layout="vertical" title="Top 10 Music Videos 
of the Month" paddingBottom="2" paddingLeft="2" paddingRight="2" paddingTop="2">
                                <mx:VBox width="100%" height="100%">            
                                        <mx:Repeater id="videos" 
                                                <mx:Canvas width="100%">
id="videoDisplay" source="{videos.currentItem.video}" width="120" height="75" 
x="0" y="0" autoPlay="false"/>
                                                        <mx:VBox width="100%" 
x="128" y="1.5">
text="Title: {videos.currentItem.title}" color="#ff9900"/>
text="By: {videos.currentItem.artist}" color="#ff9900"/>
id="playButton" upSkin="@Embed('../images/videoPlayer_img/control_play.png')" 
click="videoDisplay.play()" x="50" y="27.5"/>

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