Works great here, loads almost instantly, must be related to your flash ver
or computer/network?

On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 5:59 AM, b_alen <> wrote:

> I get a blank screen for more than 10 seconds for the app that's about 700k
> in size. Only then the preloader appears and starts from somewhere around
> 70%.
> In the Flash days, this was easily solved by having one small SWF with
> preloader that would load the main SWF in empty movie clip. Is something
> like this possible in Flex?
> I did a small experiment with loading the Flex app into Flash SWF, but then
> the sizing and alignments were lost. I also tried loading a Flex app into a
> smaller Flex app, but still there was a blank screen for quite a while.
> It's a huge usability issue knowing that users leave after 8 seconds, which
> is actualy true looking at google analytics reports.
> I've checked numerous blogs about custom preloaders but only found that all
> of them have the same issue.
> These are all the apps and samples with the same issue:


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