Assuming you're using both xxx.Webservice and zzz.Webservice in the
same class, you need to use the full name to refer to those classes in
your code, otherwise Flex won't be able to work out what you're
referring to.

So instead of:
var w1:Webservice;
var w2:Webservice;

var w1:xxx.Webservice;
var w2:zzz.Webservice;

(this should work; haven't actually had this occur in my code yet.)

On 4/27/09, Everson Alves <> wrote:
> Hello, I have this scenario:
> class zzz.Webservice;
> class xxx.Webservice;
> class xxx.WebserviceAccess;
> I'm trying to use zzz.Webservice and can't; I imported it but flex compiler
> says it's ambiguos, when it shouldn't because I explicitly which one I want
> to use;
> --
> Jhonny Everson

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