--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Todd" <tpreka...@...> wrote:
> Hello All,
>   I have some Modules (Cairngorm-based if that matters), that I want to have 
> their own resource.property files that are compiled into the module.
>   I can't seem to get it working. 
>   Should I be looking down the path of manually adding my resource strings to 
> the ResourceManger when my Module loads?  Or, is there something more 
> built-in to Flex that I'm missing.  (When I try searching on this topic, I'm 
> mostly only finding how to bundle your resources in seperate 
> module.swfs...which isn't what I'm looking for.  I just want to have the the 
> Module's resources compiled within it.)
> Thanks,
> Todd

Basically you need to compile the properties file into your swf, 
you can do it by adding to the compiler arguments in flex builder.
The arguments I found relevant are "-locale=en_US 
-allow-source-path-overlap=true -source-path=locale/en_US" 
(the source path is the path under src you have to create these folders).

Having said all that this is working inconsistently for me, 
you can see my question from a bit earlier today... 
I'll be happy to hear how this works for you.

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