The solution is instead of nulling out the borderSkin style, set it to a 
Borderless skin, i.e.

package com.skins
        import mx.core.UIComponent;

        public class BorderlessSkin extends UIComponent
                public function BorderlessSkin()
                override protected function 
updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number):void{

Hope that helps someone. 
--- In, "fumeng5" <fume...@...> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have an HBox with a borderSkin property set to a Class I found that draws 
> dashed borders. 
> var imageContainer:HBox = new HBox();
> imageContainer.setStyle('borderSkin',com.skins.DashedBorder);
> When you click on/off the skin I want to toggle the borderSkin property, i.e. 
> remove the dashed lines and make it look selected/unselected, i.e.
> if( !={
> container.setStyle('borderStyle',null);                                       
> container.setStyle('borderThickness',null);
> container.setStyle('borderSkin',null);
> }else{                                        
> _selectedImage.setStyle('borderStyle','solid');                               
>   _selectedImage.setStyle('borderThickness', '2');
> _selectedImage.setStyle('borderSkin', com.skins.DashedBorder);
> }
> That doesn't work. It draws the borderSkin just fine when I first instantiate 
> the HBox, but when I start toggling it's gone. 
> However, it works fine if I'm just using a borderColor and not a skin, a la:
> if( !={
> container.setStyle('borderStyle',null);                                       
> container.setStyle('borderThickness',null);
> container.setStyle('borderColor',null);
> }else{                                        
> _selectedImage.setStyle('borderStyle','solid');                               
>   _selectedImage.setStyle('borderThickness', '2');
> _selectedImage.setStyle('borderColor', 'green');
> }
> So....I guess you can't toggle borderSkin that right? 
> Thanks for any tips.

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