I don't use .NET or NorthWind.

I would try http://localhost:12345 or http://localhost:12345/service.asmx as 
the server name.

Put the database name you want to use in the Database Name field and leave the 
other fields as is (Flex automatically populates the user name field with sa).

Then try clicking the "Test Connection" button. Flex will try to connect and 
give you some sort of error if it can't.

As I understand it, you should be able to connect to a NorthWind database.



--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Angelo Anolin <angelo_ano...@...> wrote:
> Hi Steve,
> I am trying to connect to the NorthWind database which I placed in the 
> App_Data folder of my web service.
> When I run the webservice, it runs in the address:
> http://localhost:12345/service.asmx
> So would I be placing the localhost:12345 as my host url for the database?
> How do I set the northwind (or any other SQL Server database to run in the 
> localhost for this matter?)
> By default the username for the SQL Server Express database is sa and 
> password is left blank.
> Thanks a lot.
> Regards,
> Angelo
> ________________________________
> From: valdhor <valdhorli...@...>
> To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Friday, 15 May, 2009 0:04:47
> Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Flex - Create Application From Database
> So, when I do this the window says "Simple MySQL Connection-> Create a 
> connection to a MySQL Database". At this point you plug in details for your 
> database connection.. .
> Host URL: The IP address or hostname of your MySQL Database (If it's on your 
> local machine use localhost or or your local machines IP address).
> Database Name: The database you want to connect to (You will select a table 
> later).
> User Name: The User Name you use to connect to the database above.
> Password: The Password you use to connect to the database above.
> You should then click the "Test Connection" button to see if Flex can connect 
> to the database with the parameters you have entered.
> Steve
> --- In flexcod...@yahoogro ups.com, Angelo Anolin <angelo_anolin@ ...> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > Hi All,
> > 
> > I have FB3 on my machine, coupled with VS 2008 Express. 
> > 
> > When I click on Data | Create Application From Database, I get the Popup 
> > WIndow - Create Application From Database.
> > 
> > I click on the New button beside the Connection and I am directed to the 
> > Create Connection Profile.  I then enter the Name for the New Connection 
> > and click on Next button..
> > 
> > On the next screen, I have the following fields:
> > 
> > Server Name: localhost
> > Database Name
> > User Name
> > Password
> > 
> > I cannot figure out what values need to be entered into these fields.  
> > Kindly help me sort this out so that I could leverage the database app 
> > capability of Flex.
> > 
> > Thanks.
> > 
> > P.S. 
> > When I run my web service application, I am able to connect to it.  Inside 
> > my web service, I have already defined the Northwind database in the 
> > App_Data folder.
> >

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