At 05:32 PM 5/14/2009, you wrote:

>You can just handle the click event from your button and in the 
>handler function pull the necessary information out of your 3 custom 
>components and then do what you want with it.

Right -- but don't I have to have those components dispatch their own 
events in order to pull data from them?  At least, as I understand 
it, that's the best practice.  What you're telling me to do (if I'm 
understanding) would tightly couple my form with the components, 
because I'd be accessing stuff that's supposed to be internal to the 
components, right?

The way I understand it, I need to get the components to dispatch an 
event and pass a Value Object back to my main form.  But I need it to 
happen when I click a button on the form -- so I have no idea where 
to put the Event Listener inside the components to cause them to 
dispatch their events.  That's where I'm getting confused.


Laurence MacNeill
Mableton, Georgia, USA

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