Why not return an arrray containing recordsets and then setting the recordsets from the array as dataproviders to your controls by actionscript as follows:


resultArray looks like:

            [0] Recordset1 (an array of resultobjects from query 1)

            [1] Recordset2 (an array of resultobjects from query 2)

            [2] Recordset3 (an array of resultobjects from query 3)




 myGrid.dataProvider = resultArray[0];

            myOtherGrid.dataProvider = resultArray[1];






From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:flexcoders@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of coldfs
Sent: 19. elokuuta 2005 3:40
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Is it possible to return multiple recordsets to Flex from one Remote Object call



My Flex app connects to a large ColdFusion application.  When I make
calls from Flex via RO to CF, I need to return more than one
recordset in order to populate my various datagrids.  I know how to
return one recordset as an Array of Structures, but what if I have 5
different querries that have 5 different recordsets.  How does one
deal with this?

Many thanks for any clarification one can give.


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