Check out the AdvancedDataGrid control and documentation.


--- In, guess what <myworld10...@...> wrote:
> I need to draw a data grid where I need to do paint subtotals and and
page total and group by some category . Can anyone provide me witha same
xml for this kind of table
> Item ID Name Qty Price
> Milk --------------------------- This is how it should be milk should
be first row [Just a blank row with Milk in it ]
> 1. Soy Milk l 5USD
> 2. Choclate 2 15USD
> SubTotal 20 USD [ Again Blank row ]
> Water ------------------------[ Again Blank Row ]
> 1. Aqua 1 10USD
> 2. Calistoga 1 10USD
> SubTotal 20 USD [ Again Blank row ]
> PurchaseTotal 40 USD [ Again Blank row ]
> Can someone provide with an xml for this type of table in flex . Is it
possible .

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