If you've setup a crossdomain.xml file correctly then there's no need to set 
useProxy="true" for your scenario (you could just leave it as the default, 
which is false).

The HTTPService url property does not appear to be marked with [Bindable] 
metadata. You can programmatically change its in ActionScript:

    connectPG.url = urlInput.text;

Note: The 'proxy' in useProxy refers to a BlazeDS ProxyService - if you were to 
use BlazeDS then you'd either need to setup your own ChannelSet 
programmatically and assign it to your HTTPService instance, or point the 
compiler to the BlazeDS web application's /WEB-INF/flex/services-config.xml 
file using the -services option.

-----Original Message-----
From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:flexcod...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf 
Of ciminop
Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2009 10:14 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] HTTPService HTTPChannel 2032 Channel.Ping.Failed trying 
to do asimple form post

I must be missing something since I'm trying to do something fairly basic. It 
really can't be this difficult, can it? I'm trying to use the HTTPService to 
post to a form. No web services. And I even put a crossdomain.xml policy file 
on the server for good measure.

First I got the dreaded 2032 Stream error, and after some digging saw that the 
FaultEvent was complaining that no channels were set. So I added a ChannelSet, 
now I'm getting a ping failure?

Here is a sample of my service:

<mx:HTTPService id="connectPG" 
  result="resulthandler(event)" fault="fault_handler(event)"
  resultFormat="text" showBusyCursor="true"
  useProxy="true" method="POST">
      <mx:ChannelSet id="pGChannelSet">
        <mx:HTTPChannel id="pGChannel" pollingEnabled="false">
    <mx:request xmlns="">

And when I call the send() method, the fault_handler() reports :

[FaultEvent fault=[RPC Fault faultString="Send failed" 
faultCode="Client.Error.MessageSend" faultDetail="Channel.Ping.Failed error  
url: 'http://www.<<my_test_domain>>.com/beta/db_access.html''"] 
messageId="5BF9E4BD-0CED-145E-B224-8A20D0E36345" type="fault" bubbles=false 
cancelable=true eventPhase=2]
Channel.Ping.Failed error  url: 


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