Hi, hope you guys can help me.

I'm using Flex 3.3 + .NET Web Services.

I get an XML like this one from my web service (simplified):

<ListFundsResponse xmlns='http://mydomainname.com/' 
      <Name>Some Name here</Name>
      <Description>Some description here</Description>

It's supposed that something like this should trace the "Name" value, right?:

//code in result function for webservice component
var lastXML:XML = XML(event.result)
trace("Name in XML: " + lastXML..Fund[0].Name); //gives me an Error: A term is 
undefined and has no properties.

But, if I manually add the XML in the code, and removes the whole xmlns schema 
my code works... What am I doing wrong here?


Claudio M. E. Bastos Iorio

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