Open Beta Meeting for new and beginner Flex developers
When: June 22nd at 10AM – 11AM PDT (Find your time zone here
r=2009&hour=10&min=0&sec=0&p1=224> )
<>  (Please enter the room as a
`guest' using your First and Last name)

Open Beta Meeting for intermediate and advanced Flex developers
When: June 23rd at 9:30AM – 10:30AM PDT (Find your time zone here
r=2009&hour=9&min=30&sec=0&p1=224> )
<>  (Please enter the room as a
`guest' using your First and Last name)

We (the Flex team) hope you've had a chance to get your hands dirty
with the Flex 4 and Flash Builder 4 betas. You've heard us talk
about what's new and what we think is cool, but now it is your
chance tell us about your experience with the betas.

We'll be having two Open Beta Meetings - one for new and beginner
Flex usersand the other for more advanced folks. These meetings will be
an opportunity for us to gather feedback from the community. Below
we've provided some areas in particular we'd like feedback on,
however, these meetings will primarily be led by you.

We'd primarily like you to focus on the workflow and features, so if
you have bugs please file these in the Flex Bug System
<>  and if your having other difficulties,
please also post to the Labs forums
<> .

Food for thought:

    * What was your biggest pain points in the Flex 4.0 beta?
    * What were the first problems that you ran into and how did you get
around them?
    * How is the skinning experience overall?  What are the hardest
parts?  How might it be improved?
    * Haveyou had any difficulties using both Spark and Halo components
mixed inthe same application? What was the combination, and what were
    * The Spark component set and its features arecertainly not complete
yet, and will not be complete when we releaseFlex 4.0. But is there
anything missing from Spark whose absence isparticularly problematic for
    * Have you noticed any significant performance problems? Which
components or scenarios?
    * Additionally, what else do you believe is missing from Flex 4.0?

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