I think I understand what you're asking, but I might miss.  Have you 
tried making your lnotification component and then just popping it up 
using PopUpManager?  As far as I'm aware, anything that's popped up with 
PopUpManager shouldn't move when the user scrolls, resizes the browser, 
etc.  You can pull some ideas from my callout component if that would 
help: http://aaronhardy.com/flex/advanced-callout-component/

If you're talking about anchoring your "trigger" button (the button that 
pops up the tooltip), then that's different.  Make sure your main 
application is set to absolute layout, then set your button's bottom 
property like so: bottom="0".  Here's an example:

<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"; layout="absolute">
    <mx:Button bottom="0" label="show popup"/>

That will always keep it at the bottom of your application.


creativepragmatic wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> I want to create a notification icon like the the red one in the 
> bottom right-hand corner of Facebook. I tried using a ToolTipManager 
> to create a tooltip but since Tooltips appear in their own layer in 
> Flex and, as far as I am able to figure, cannot be anchored to any 
> part of the page. When the user uses the browser's scrollbar, they move.
> Thank you in advance for any assistance,
> Orville

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