--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Alex Harui <aha...@...> wrote:
> Use the profiler to see where the time is being spent.  If your attempt to 
> use List had poor scrolling it implies that your post renderer is inefficient.

No, List scrolling in Flex 3 (Halo) isn't really scrolling, it just "jumps" to 
the next item, so no matter how you optimize your renderers, this is going to 
happen.  I believe this is fixed in Gumbo, so a move to Gumbo might help.

One thing the OP might want to try in addition to lightening the repeated 
components is to use a repeater and start out by just loading 5 (or however 
many are visible without scrolling), and then add to the collection after those 
are drawn.


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