I'm trying to create a custom itemrenderer for the sub menus of an 
itemrenderer, but am running into some issues...the main one being that I 
cannot seem to access the sub menus to create them.

The docs state:
You can define an item renderer for the pop-up submenus of the MenuBar control. 
Because each pop-up submenu is an instance of the Menu control, you use the 
class MenuItemRenderer to define an item renderer for the pop-up submenus. To 
set the item renderer for a pop-up submenu, access the Menu object using the 
menus property. 

However, I'm having trouble trying to figure out when the menus have been set, 
and how to change their itemrenderer once I *do* get the check working.

Anyone have any insight into how to accomplish this?  It seems to be pretty 
straight forward...when menus has values, set an itemrenderer on the items 
within it.


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