Instead of POST perhaps you want GET for your method.


On Sat, Jul 4, 2009 at 2:50 AM, balaji <> wrote:

> Hi all,
>  I am a newbie to flex , I am trying to pass the querystring to URL but it
> is not working .
>  The url : http://base_url/?login=loginname&password=password
>  I tried to pass the arguments like this
>  <mx:HTTPService id="loginService" url="base_url" method="POST"
>      resultFormat="text" result="{handleLogin(event)}" fault="
>      {handleFault(event)}">
>      <mx:request>
>        <login>{username.text}</login>
>        <password>{password.text}</password>
>      </mx:request>
>  </mx:HTTPService>
>  I need your help in fixing the issue ,
> Thanks in Advance
> Balaji
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