
We all know about PHP's ability to send an array through the $_POST
variable, in a form for example:

[form method="POST" action=""]
[text type="input" name="data[name]"/]

But how can I achieve that through Flex's HTTPService?

If I were to print_r($_POST) in the PHP page, this is would I would like
to see:

     [data] => Array
             [-1] => A
             [0] => B
             [1] => C


I have tried this programmatically while calling the send(params:Object)
method of the HTTPService, with the Object containing {data:
{'-1':'A','0':'B','1':'C'}} but the result is more like [data] =>
[object Object]

Any ideas how to mimic PHP's ability to POST an array?

Note: I can achieve this easily with GET, by appending
"data[-1]=A&data[0]=B&data[1]=C" to the URL, but my problem requires


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