
I have an issue with column width in mixed chart:

on one chart I have 9 line series and 1 column series and visually that one
column takes 1/10 of the category width, which would be logical if other
series would also be columns (then each of them would take 1/10 of widths
and it would look perfect).

But line series don't spread into the rest 9/10 of the space, all together
they also take only 1/10 of the space (and all data points are on same X
coordinate at same exact X position and not spread horizontally to take free
Y space), so they only reserve horizontal space in category width, but don't
use it.

Here is a screenshot of what I'm talking about:


Is there any way to make a fixed width of the column chart at least to 1/2
of the category width and all line series would be in other 1/2 of the

Thank you!!!

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