I've got a font - Interstate-RegularCondensed -- which I've tried embedding in a Flex app. I've pointed to it, I've embedded in a swf, etc. It seems to be ok - but when I look at from a computer that doesn't have this font, it's no go.

The thing is It's part of the Interstate family but it's own font within it -- ie folder structure:

Interstate Black
Interstate BlackCompressed
Interstate BlackCondensed
Interstate BlackItalic
Interstate Bold
Interstate BoldCompressed
Interstate BoldCondensed
Interstate Light
Interstate LightCompressed
Interstate LightCondensed
Interstate LightItalic
Interstate Regular
Interstate RegularCompressed
Interstate RegularCondensed

and the css was this:
        fontFamily: Interstate-RegularCondensed;
        fontWeight: normal;
        fontStyle: normal;
        /*src: local("Interstate");*/
        /*src: url("/styles/fonts/InterstateRegularCondensed.ttf");*/

I get no errors but it just doesn't show up- HELP!

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