I just find out the bug related to the flex ant tasks for referencing a embed 
assets in the project.
But, it is related to Linux.

In my case, all the embedded assets reference in MXML or css file could not 
locate the assets inside the embedded assets.

For eg,.
Asset references inside action script:

whereas the actual Embed asset folder:

As usual, I have added the source path to the ant task.

The small work around that  I got is to add the back slash at the beginning 
It should start picking up from the source path. (No errors for this part)

But I don't want to change the hundreds references in different files.
As well as, by changing the path like that in the CSS file, it shows an error.

Please advice!


From: "Tandon, Rishi" <rishitandon...@yahoo.com>
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, July 20, 2009 5:29:28 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] Adobe Air related ANT task

Hi flex coders,

I am creating the build file for the Adobe AIR app.
It works for simple application i.e. compiling, launching and packaging.

But in my case the application is large with lots of sub directories.

The point I am facing the problem is who to add "embed-assets" into the 

i.e. during the build it is showing me unable to resolve 'embed-assets/ 
abc.swf' for transcoding error.

actually it could not find the path to the assets which is inside some 

So how can I point to the compile target for the same.

If I know the equivalent compiler option for the same, that would be a great 

Using the Flex Builder, I could easily compile and run the application.




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