Either binding or some other logic is restoring the selection (I'd watch the 
CHANGE events or set a breakpoint to see if that's true), or the data has 
non-unique UIDs

Alex Harui
Flex SDK Developer
Adobe Systems Inc.<http://www.adobe.com/>
Blog: http://blogs.adobe.com/aharui

From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:flexcod...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf 
Of flexcoder2008
Sent: Tuesday, July 21, 2009 4:21 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Datagrid won't let me select row

What would cause a datagrid to keep it's current selection "locked".

In my application, I have a datagrid that is bound to an XMLListCollection. I 
can navigate away to another another module which shares the same data using 
Cairngorm, and then when I come back to the original module, I re-select the 
row I need in the datagrid programmatically by looping through the 
XMLListCollection and looking for the item with the same ID.

This all works fine. However, sometimes...but not all the time, if I click on 
another datagrid row, I can see the higlight of the row I want but when I 
release the mouse, the original row is still selected. It also seems to only 
happen when I have a top or bottom row selected and then try to select a row 
above or below this one.

Just curious if anyone else has had similar datagrid woes and if there is 
something I should be looking for. It seems that the databinding perhaps is 
locking in this selection but I am not sure where to look or what is causing 

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