Hi Jones,

Make sure, you are using the following setup as described here in comments:

In order to get IE 7 QTP 9.5 combination working you need to do the following
1.Download FlexBuilder 3.0.2 9the trial version is on the adobe website)
2.Uninstall the old QTP-FlexPlugin that you had.
3.Go to C:\Program Files\Adobe\Flex Builder 3.0.2\Installers default
path and install the new QTP_plugin_installer.
4.Restart your machine and it should work.

if you would like automation testing to work at IE7 browser.

Best regards,
Andriy Panas

2009/7/23 jones_a_h <alun.huw.jo...@gmail.com>:
> My project uses a custom Calendar component. The component implements
> UIComponent directly and contains children.
> I followed the instructions and wrote a delegate implementation for the
> component and a matching TEAFlex...xml class definition file.
> Am using a simple wrapper index.html file.
> The project was updated with the -include_libraries to pull in the
> automation swc's and a -includes to pull in my delegate implementation.
> In QTP using Object Spy it sees the FlexCalendar along with the events and
> properties I exposed in the class definition file.
> PROBLEM: QTP can not see any of the child items even though the
> numAutomationChildren and getAutomationChildAt are implemented. The value of
> numAutomationChildren on the FlexCalendar instance as reported by Object Spy
> is correct...but they just show up as Browser>Page>WinObject.
> Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
> The crazy thing is, I downloaded the RandomWalk sample/example and it
> behaves for me in exactly the same way...numAutomationChildren indicates the
> correct number of children but they are not identified correctly by Object
> Spy.
> So perhaps I am building it wrong - even though QTP does see the custom
> component fine.
> Is there some special significance to the randomWalkClasses src folder or
> could these files have been included at the same level as the RandomWalk.as
> class itself?
> Tried with Flex Builder 3 with SDK3.2 and testing under IE7+QTP9.5 and
> IE8+QTP10 - same behavior.
> Note: Same swf works fine with RIATest albeit with runtime approach directly
> on the swf, i.e. all child components are identifiable.

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