First off, it's a bit difficult to debug as we don't have access to your 
service to get the data you are seeing.

Anyway, one thing I noticed is that in your function refreshBtn_clickHandler, 
you have the line:

adg.dataProvider = "{getAllItemsCollection}";

This will not work as you intend. You are mixing ActionScript syntax with MXML 
syntax. I'm pretty sure that what you really want is:

adg.dataProvider = getAllItemsCollection;

--- In, awesome <cubesp...@...> wrote:
> When I press delete I need to refresh  datagrid to display changes. Currently
> it displays changes only when I reload the page.
> I tried getAllItemsCollection.refresh(); but it only collapses grouping and
> does not display changes.
> For testing purposes I created delete button and tried everything from
> invalidatedisplaylist to reassigning dataprovider but with no luck.
> Any help would be appreciated.
> My code:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> <mx:Application xmlns:mx=""; layout="vertical"
> minWidth="1024" minHeight="768"
> xmlns:izdelkiservice="services.izdelkiservice.*">
>       <mx:Script>
>               <![CDATA[
>                       import;
>                       import mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn;
>                       import mx.controls.DataGrid;
>                       import;
>                       import mx.messaging.AbstractConsumer;
>                       import mx.utils.ObjectUtil;
>                       import;
>                       import mx.controls.Alert;
>                       public var clickedColumn:String;
>                       protected function 
> adg_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
>                       {
>                               getAllItemsResult.token = 
> izdelkiService.getAllItems();
>                       }
>                       protected function 
> button_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
>                       {
>                               createItemResult.token = 
> izdelkiService.createItem(izdelek);
>                       }
>                       protected function 
> updateBtn_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
>                       {
>                               updateItemResult.token = 
> izdelkiService.updateItem(izdelek2);
>                       }
>                       protected function 
> deleteBtn_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
>                       {
>                               deleteItemResult.token = 
> izdelkiService.deleteItem(;
>                               getAllItemsCollection.refresh();
>                               adg.dataProvider = adg.dataProvider;
>                       }
>                       private var _dataField:String;
>                       private function
> adg_headerReleaseHandler(event:AdvancedDataGridEvent):void
>                       {
>                               clickedColumn = event.dataField;
>                       }
>                       private function sortNumeric(obj1:Object, 
> obj2:Object):int
>                       {
>                               return
> ObjectUtil.numericCompare(obj1[clickedColumn],obj2[clickedColumn]);           
>                       }
>                       private function sortKat(obj1:Object, obj2:Object):int
>                       {
>                               return 
> ObjectUtil.numericCompare(obj1.kat,obj2.kat);
>                       }
>                       protected function 
> refreshBtn_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
>                       {
>                               adg.dataProvider = null;
>                               adg.dataProvider = "{getAllItemsCollection}";
>                               getAllItemsCollection.refresh();
>                               adg.validateDisplayList();
>                               adg.validateNow();
>                               adg.invalidateDisplayList();
>                               adg.invalidateList();   
>                       }
>               ]]>
>       </mx:Script>
>       <mx:AdvancedDataGrid id="adg" designViewDataType="tree" width="100%" 
>               creationComplete="adg_creationCompleteHandler(event)" 
> editable="false" 
>               dataProvider="{getAllItemsCollection}" height="50%"
> headerRelease="adg_headerReleaseHandler(event)">
>               <mx:columns>
>                       <mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn headerText="id" 
> dataField="id"
> editable="false" sortCompareFunction="sortNumeric"/>
>                       <mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn headerText="izdelek" 
> dataField="izdelek"/>
>                       <mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn headerText="ime" 
> dataField="ime"/>
>                       <mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn headerText="kat" 
> dataField="kat"
> sortCompareFunction="sortNumeric"/>
>                       <mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn headerText="opis" 
> dataField="opis"/>
>                       <mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn headerText="datum" 
> dataField="datum"/>
>                       <mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn headerText="vrstni_red" 
> dataField="vrstni_red"
> sortCompareFunction="sortNumeric"/>
>               </mx:columns>
>       </mx:AdvancedDataGrid>
>       <mx:CallResponder id="getAllItemsResult"
> result="getAllItemsCollection.refresh();"/>
>       <izdelkiservice:IzdelkiService id="izdelkiService"
> destination="IzdelkiService"
> endpoint="http://localhost/kerin_updater-debug/gateway.php";
> fault="" showBusyCursor="true"
> source="IzdelkiService"/>
>       <mx:GroupingCollection id="getAllItemsCollection"
> source="{getAllItemsResult.lastResult}">
>               <mx:Grouping>
>                       <mx:GroupingField name="kat" compareFunction="sortKat"/>
>               </mx:Grouping>
>       </mx:GroupingCollection>
>       <mx:HBox>
>               <mx:Form>
>                       <mx:FormItem label="Id">
>                               <mx:TextInput id="idTextInput2" 
> text="{}" enabled="false"
> editable="false"/>
>                       </mx:FormItem>
>                       <mx:FormItem label="Izdelek">
>                               <mx:TextInput id="izdelekTextInput2" 
> text="{izdelek2.izdelek}"/>
>                       </mx:FormItem>
>                       <mx:FormItem label="Ime">
>                               <mx:TextInput id="imeTextInput2" 
> text="{izdelek2.ime}"/>
>                       </mx:FormItem>
>                       <mx:FormItem label="Kat">
>                               <mx:TextInput id="katTextInput2" 
> text="{izdelek2.kat}"/>
>                       </mx:FormItem>
>                       <mx:FormItem label="Opis">
>                               <mx:TextInput id="opisTextInput2" 
> text="{izdelek2.opis}"/>
>                       </mx:FormItem>
>                       <mx:FormItem label="Datum">
>                               <mx:TextInput id="datumTextInput2" 
> text="{izdelek2.datum}"/>
>                       </mx:FormItem>
>                       <mx:FormItem label="Vrstni_red">
>                               <mx:TextInput id="vrstni_redTextInput2" 
> text="{izdelek2.vrstni_red}"/>
>                       </mx:FormItem>
>                       <mx:HBox>
>                               <mx:Button label="Update" id="updateBtn"
> click="updateBtn_clickHandler(event)"/>
>                               <mx:Button label="Delete" id="deleteBtn"
> click="deleteBtn_clickHandler(event)"/>
>                               <mx:Button label="Refresh" id="refreshBtn"
> click="refreshBtn_clickHandler(event)"/>
>                       </mx:HBox>
>               </mx:Form>
>               <mx:Form defaultButton="{button}">
>                       <mx:FormItem label="Id">
>                               <mx:TextInput id="idTextInput" 
> text="{}" editable="false"
> enabled="false" />
>                       </mx:FormItem>
>                       <mx:FormItem label="Izdelek">
>                               <mx:TextInput id="izdelekTextInput" 
> text="{izdelek.izdelek}"/>
>                       </mx:FormItem>
>                       <mx:FormItem label="Ime">
>                               <mx:TextInput id="imeTextInput" 
> text="{izdelek.ime}"/>
>                       </mx:FormItem>
>                       <mx:FormItem label="Kat">
>                               <mx:TextInput id="katTextInput" 
> text="{izdelek.kat}"/>
>                       </mx:FormItem>
>                       <mx:FormItem label="Opis">
>                               <mx:TextInput id="opisTextInput" 
> text="{izdelek.opis}"/>
>                       </mx:FormItem>
>                       <mx:FormItem label="Datum">
>                               <mx:TextInput id="datumTextInput" 
> text="{izdelek.datum}"/>
>                       </mx:FormItem>
>                       <mx:FormItem label="Vrstni_red">
>                               <mx:TextInput id="vrstni_redTextInput" 
> text="{izdelek.vrstni_red}"/>
>                       </mx:FormItem>
>                       <mx:Button label="CreateItem" id="button"
> click="button_clickHandler(event)"/>
>               </mx:Form>
>       </mx:HBox>
>       <izdelkiservice:Izdelek id="izdelek"
> vrstni_red="{vrstni_redTextInput.text}" izdelek="{izdelekTextInput.text}"
> datum="{datumTextInput.text}" ime="{imeTextInput.text}"
> kat="{katTextInput.text}" opis="{opisTextInput.text}"/>
>       <mx:Binding source="idTextInput.text" destination=""/>
>       <mx:CallResponder id="createItemResult"/>
>       <izdelkiservice:Izdelek id="izdelek2" izdelek="{izdelekTextInput2.text}"
> ime="{imeTextInput2.text}" kat="{katTextInput2.text}"
> datum="{datumTextInput2.text}" opis="{opisTextInput2.text}"
> vrstni_red="{vrstni_redTextInput2.text}"/>
>       <mx:Binding source="idTextInput2.text" destination=""/>
>       <mx:Binding source="adg.selectedItem as Izdelek" 
> destination="izdelek2"/>
>       <mx:CallResponder id="updateItemResult"/>
>       <mx:CallResponder id="deleteItemResult"/>
> </mx:Application>
> -- 
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