
I'm trying to embed the Emmentaler font from lilypond (www.lilypond.org) in 
order to be able to output musical notation with Flex.

If I embed the font like this:

        src: url("/usr/share/lilypond/2.12.1/fonts/otf/emmentaler-26.otf");
        fontFamily: "Emmentaler";
        fontName: "Emmentaler-26";

        embedFonts: true;
        fontFamily: Emmentaler;
    <mx:Label text="Hello" id="myLabel" styleName="MyTextStyle"/>

I get a compile error saying:

Error: exception during transcoding: Font for alias 'Emmentaler' with plain 
weight and style was not found at: 
file:/usr/share/lilypond/2.12.1/fonts/otf/emmentaler-26.otf.  The font is 
present at that path.

Details of the font are here, it's GPL as part of the lilypond source.


Can anyone give me any clues as to how to embed it?



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