Anyone, Wwas wondering if I could ask a couple of questions - aside from this 
one. 1.  Is it possible to 'solely' in actionscript make a datagrid from an 
arraycollection?  I am trying and it keeps dying. 2.  Is it possible to have 
the cells in a datagrid show one of three png images all changing on the fly as 
the data changes?  I figure if I build the grid correctly in AS then when I 
update the dataprovider it will update the grid in real time. 3.  Is it 
possible to put a different tooltip on each cell in the datagrid? - so I can 
say show the IP address as seen below in the arraycollection but not in the 
grid itself. 4.  Would you have the time and/interest in helping me forge my 
way through this?  I don't want you to write it all - I just want someone to 
help me think my way through it before this weekend.  I want to write it myself 
- i.e. learn but need someone available to point me toward my mistakes and help 
me through it via code suggestion and or
 known tutorials.

Sample of my what I am dealing with

private var _columnHeaderArray:Array = ["3750", "Serimux", "Novatel", "4033", 
private var _aliveDeadArrayCollection:ArrayCollection;

Then when the httpservice call returns my xml file I do this:

_aliveDeadArrayCollection = result as ArrayCollection;

My mxml from before was like this  - 

<mx:DataGridColumn dataField="site" headerText="Location">
<mx:VBox horizontalAlign="center" verticalAlign="middle">
<mx:Image source="{'assets/'+data.router}" verticalAlign="middle" 
horizontalAlign="center" width="50" height="50"/>



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