Hey guys,


  I've got a few fields that populate off of an object through data
binding.  When I call a new object that has null fields, the text inputs
clear out as expected.  However, the RichText Editor keeps the old data
even though it doesn't exist in the object anymore.


For instance this fails and keeps the old data:


<mx:RichTextEditor x="2" y="0" title="EMail Message" width="865"
height="344" text="{acMessageList.getItemAt(0).vcMessage}"


If I change the RichTextEditor to text input like this:


<mx:TextInput x="2" y="0" width="865" height="344"
text="{acMessageList.getItemAt(0).vcMessage}" id="RTE"></mx:TextInput>


Then the text clears when the new object loads and the itemAt(0) is


Anyone know why this is happening and have a work around?




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