Forgot to mention, I'm using flex 3.4.

2009/8/16 Leonardo Camargo <>

>     [Attachment(s) <#1232583b1c66b3c6_TopText> from Leonardo Camargo
> included below]
> Hi all,
> I need to change the appearance of a VSlider using the following thumbSkin
> and trackSking (I've attached them, I hope they went through).
> It's intended to be a volume control, and as you can see, kinda looks like
> that of Youtube.
> The problem is, the trackSkin never covers the whole path, so the thumb is
> moving "beyond the track" in both edges, and I need not only that the whole
> path is skinned but that a margin remains after both extremities (again,
> kinda similar to Youtube's).
> Any ideas anyone?
> Regards,
> Leonardo C.

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