The dataprovider is an arraycollection or any IList? try

On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 8:59 PM, Richard Rodseth <> wrote:

> The full story is too long to relate and involves the component which has
> given me more grief than any other - ComboBox. I'm pretty sure I established
> a while ago that there's a bug in using a ComboBox with a bound value for
> selectedIndex.
> I have one whose dataprovider (and current selected index) are both highly
> dynamic (changing in response to changes in another combobox).  There is a
> circumstance in which the displayed label does not update until you roll
> over the combobox, or sometimes click on it. Is there a brute force way I
> can make it update? I've tried various invalidateXXX methods.

Jhonny Everson

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