Cool, I'll be sure and try it out again next time I start a new project.


2009/8/24 Marvin Froeder <>

> Last weekend was released Flexmojos 3.3.0.
> Flexmojos <> provides first-class support
> for Flex and AIR development within Apache Maven. It allow maven to compile,
> optimize, test and … Flex SWF, Flex SWC, Air SWF and Air SWC.
> The main fixes are: - Dita Asdoc generation - Major refactor on generation
> API, now it supports granite 1.0 and 2.0, also has a new generator to
> generate constraints. - Improved unit test support. - Several fixes on
> Flexbuilder project metadata generation. - Html wrapper is now runnable on
> war or other non-swf project ( thanks to David Rom ). and 
> more<>.
> Next release will include FlexUnit 4 support and more refactories on
> Flexmojos to componentize it and get it better tested. VELO

"Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee."

Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald

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