Did you try adding the button I mentioned?

Do you understand what it does?

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "kaushal.shah05" <kshah0...@...> wrote:
> I've tried using States to zoom in/out but no luck.  Full code below:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> <mx:Application
>       xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml";
>       layout="absolute"
>       xmlns="http://www.degrafa.com/2007";
>       xmlns:reflector="com.rictus.reflector.*"
>       xmlns:filters="flash.filters.*"
>       backgroundGradientColors="[ #666666, #222222 ]"
>       color="#FFFFFF" viewSourceURL="srcview/index.html">
>           <!-- Define one view state, in addition to the base state.-->
>     <mx:states>
>         <mx:State name="recede">
>             <mx:SetProperty target="{capacitySurface}" name="scaleX" 
> value=".5"/>
>             <mx:SetProperty target="{capacitySurface}" name="scaleY" 
> value=".5"/>
>             <mx:SetEventHandler target="{button1}" name="click" 
> handler="currentState=''"/>
>             <!-- <mx:SetProperty target="{capacitySurface}" name="width" 
> value="900"/>-->
>         </mx:State>
>     </mx:states>
>    <mx:transitions>
>         <!-- Define the transition from the base state to the Register 
> state.-->
>         <mx:Transition id="toRegister" fromState="*" toState="recede">
>             <mx:Sequence targets="{[capacitySurface, theReflection]}">
>                 <mx:RemoveChildAction/>
>                 <mx:Resize targets="{[capacitySurface, theReflection]}"/>
>                 <mx:AddChildAction/>
>             </mx:Sequence>
>         </mx:Transition>
>         <!-- Define the transition from the Register state to the base 
> state.-->
>         <mx:Transition id="toDefault" fromState="recede" toState="*">
>             <mx:Sequence targets="{[capacitySurface, theReflection]}">
>                 <mx:RemoveChildAction/>
>                 <mx:Resize targets="{[capacitySurface, theReflection]}"/>
>                 <mx:AddChildAction/>
>             </mx:Sequence>
>         </mx:Transition>
>       </mx:transitions>
>       <mx:Script>
>         <![CDATA[
>               import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
>             // Updates the Reflection when the bar widths change.
>             private function initChange(event:Event):void{
>                 if(theReflection){
>                     theReflection.invalidateDisplayList();
>                 }
>             }
>                     [Bindable]
>             public var ac:Array = new Array([40, 120, 280, 310]);
>              import flash.events.MouseEvent;
>             public function doZoom(event:MouseEvent):void {
>                 if (zoomAll.isPlaying) {
>                     zoomAll.reverse();
>                 }
>                 else {
>                     // If this is a ROLL_OUT event, play the effect 
> backwards. 
>                     // If this is a ROLL_OVER event, play the effect forwards.
>                     zoomAll.play([event.target], event.type == 
> MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT ? true : false);
>                 }
>             }
>         ]]>
>     </mx:Script>
>        <mx:Zoom id="zoomAll" zoomWidthTo="1" zoomHeightTo="1" 
> zoomWidthFrom=".5" zoomHeightFrom=".5"  />
>       <!-- Graphics and Paint for the inner bars and background -->
>       <GeometryComposition
>               graphicsTarget="{[capacitySurface]}"
>               propertyChange="initChange(event);" id="geo">
>               <fills>
>                       <SolidFill
>                               id="colorOne"
>                               color="{cpOne.selectedColor}"/>
>                       <SolidFill
>                               id="colorTwo"
>                               color="{cpTwo.selectedColor}"/>
>                       <SolidFill
>                               id="colorThree"
>                               color="{cpThree.selectedColor}"/>
>                       <SolidFill
>                               id="colorFour"
>                               color="{cpFour.selectedColor}"/>
>               <!--    <ComplexFill
>                               id="complex">
>                               <SolidFill
>                                       color="{cpFour.selectedColor}"/>
>                               <BlendFill
>                                       blendMode="multiply">
>                                       <BitmapFill
>                                               id="crosshatch"
> source="@Embed('assets/65003.png')"/>
>                               </BlendFill>
>                       </ComplexFill>-->
>                       <LinearGradientFill
>                               id="highlight"
>                               angle="90">
>                               <GradientStop
>                                       color="#FFF"
>                                       alpha=".3"/>
>                               <GradientStop
>                                       color="#FFF"
>                                       alpha=".05"/>
>                       </LinearGradientFill>
>                       <LinearGradientFill
>                               id="shadow"
>                               angle="90"
>                               blendMode="multiply">
>                               <GradientStop
>                                       color="#000"
>                                       alpha=".01"/>
>                               <GradientStop
>                                       color="#000"
>                                       alpha=".5"/>
>                       </LinearGradientFill>
>                       <LinearGradientFill
>                               id="inset"
>                               angle="90">
>                               <GradientStop
>                                       color="#CCC"
>                                       alpha=".2"
>                                       ratio="0"
>                                       ratioUnit="pixels"/>
>                               <GradientStop
>                                       color="#FFF"
>                                       alpha=".3"
>                                       ratio="16"
>                                       ratioUnit="pixels"/>
>                       </LinearGradientFill>
>               </fills>
>               <strokes>
>                       <SolidStroke
>                               id="whiteStroke"
>                               color="#FFF"
>                               weight="1"
>                               alpha=".15"/>
>                       <SolidStroke
>                               id="darkStroke"
>                               color="#000"
>                               weight="1"
>                               alpha=".2"/>
>               </strokes>
>                       <RegularRectangle
>                               id="insetRect"
>                               width="{capacityWidth.value}"
>                               height="{capacityHeight.value}"
>                               fill="{inset}"/>
>                       <RegularRectangle
>                               id="fourthRect"
>                               width="{capacitySlider.values[3]}"
>                               height="{capacityHeight.value}"
>                               fill="{colorFour}"/>
>                       <RegularRectangle
>                               id="thirdRect"
>                               width="{capacitySlider.values[2]}"
>                               height="{capacityHeight.value}"
>                               fill="{colorThree}"/>
>                       <RegularRectangle
>                               id="secondRect"
>                               width="{capacitySlider.values[1]}"
>                               height="{capacityHeight.value}"
>                               fill="{colorTwo}"/>     
>                       <RegularRectangle
>                               id="firstRect"
>                               width="{capacitySlider.values[0]}"
>                               height="{capacityHeight.value}"
>                               fill="{colorOne}"/>
>                       <RegularRectangle
>                               id="shadowRect"
>                               width="{capacityWidth.value}"
>                               height="{capacityHeight.value}"
>                               fill="{shadow}"/>
>                       <VerticalLineRepeater
>                               x="20"
>                               y="0"
>                               y1="{capacityHeight.value}"
>                               moveOffsetX="20"
>                               count="{capacityWidth.value/20}"
>                               stroke="{darkStroke}"/>
>                       <VerticalLineRepeater
>                               x="21"
>                               y="0"
>                               y1="{capacityHeight.value}"
>                               moveOffsetX="20"
>                               count="{capacityWidth.value/20}"
>                               stroke="{whiteStroke}"/>
>                       <RoundedRectangleComplex
>                               id="highlightRect"
>                               bottomLeftRadius="10"
>                               bottomRightRadius="10"
>                               width="{capacityWidth.value}"
>                               height="{capacityHeight.value/2}"
>                               fill="{highlight}"/>
>       </GeometryComposition>
>       <!-- Masked Surface and Filter for the Capacity Indicator -->
>       <Surface
>               id="capacitySurface"
>               verticalCenter="0"
>               horizontalCenter="0"
>               width="{capacityWidth.value}"
>               height="{capacityHeight.value}"
>               mask="{roundMask}" rollOutEffect="doZoom(event)" 
> rollOverEffect="doZoom(event)">
>               <GeometryGroup
>                       id="roundMask">
>                       <RoundedRectangle
>                               width="{capacityWidth.value}"
>                               height="{capacityHeight.value}"
>                               cornerRadius="{capacityHeight.value/2}"
>                               fill="{colorOne}"/>
>               </GeometryGroup>
>               <filters>
>                       <filters:GlowFilter
>                               color="#000000"
>                               alpha=".1"
>                               blurX="4"
>                               blurY="4"
>                               inner="true"
>                               quality="6"/>
>               </filters>
>       </Surface>
>       <!-- The Reflection -->
>       <reflector:Reflector
>               id="theReflection"
>               target="{capacitySurface}"
>               alpha=".5"
>               falloff=".5"
>               blurAmount=".1"/>
>       <!-- The Controls -->
>       <mx:HBox
>               x="20"
>               y="20"
>               verticalAlign="middle">
>               <mx:HBox width="100%">
>                       <mx:Label
>                               text="Colors"
>                               fontWeight="bold"/>
>                       <mx:ColorPicker
>                               id="cpOne"
>                               selectedColor="#62ABCD"/>
>                       <mx:ColorPicker
>                               id="cpTwo"
>                               selectedColor="#CC5500"/>
>                       <mx:ColorPicker
>                               id="cpThree"
>                               selectedColor="#FFC858"/>
>                       <mx:ColorPicker
>                               id="cpFour"
>                               selectedColor="#609E66"/>
>               </mx:HBox>
>               <mx:Button label="Change Width" click="{capacityWidth.value += 
> 150}"/>
>               <mx:Button label="Change state" click="currentState='recede'" 
> id="button1"/>
>               <mx:Label
>                       text="Capacities"
>                       fontWeight="bold" id="label1"/>
>               <mx:HSlider
>                       id="capacitySlider"
>                       thumbCount="4"
>                       minimum="0"
>                       maximum="{capacityWidth.value}"
>                       liveDragging="true"
>                       snapInterval="2"
>                       values="[40,120,280,310]"/>
>               <mx:Label
>                       text="Width"
>                       fontWeight="bold"/>
>               <mx:HSlider
>                       id="capacityWidth"
>                       minimum="100"
>                       maximum="1200"
>                       liveDragging="true"
>                       snapInterval="8"
>                       value="800"/>
>               <mx:Label text="Height"/>
>               <mx:HSlider
>                       id="capacityHeight"
>                       minimum="10"
>                       maximum="40"
>                       liveDragging="true"
>                       snapInterval="2"
>                       value="40"/>
>       </mx:HBox>
> </mx:Application>

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