Hi Ben,

  I was just wondering, do you really need to recompile SWC file
'framework_rb.swc' in order for updated values in *.properties files
(e.g SharedResources.properties, controls.properties, etc) to become
available in the localized Flex application?

 From my experience - I've edited SharedResources.properties and
controls.properties files, put them into locale/{locale} folder, e.g
locale/fr_FR, include this folder into Flex build path, then updated
Flex mxmlc compiler settings in Flex Builder to include this locale
"-locale=fr_FR" and every localized String resource from
SharedResources.properties and controls.properties files is visible in
resulted Flex application.

   Tried with Flex 3.2 and Flex 3.4 SDKs, everytime localized
resources in SharedResources.properties and controls.properties files
are available in Flex application without a need for
"framework_rb.swc" to be recompiled.

Best regards,
Andriy Panas

> Maybe all this will help someone else here looking for a solution to this
> problem (and maybe some kindly bots will run across it at some point too).
> In short, you have to compile your own SWCs for each of the languages, and
> not just the resource library SWFs every other instruction set tells you
> about.

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