Yep, correct about the headers scrolling too.  My bad, was thinking about a 
List.   Using Steve's suggestion, a Text control with truncateToFit=:true" will 
give you the ellipses and an automatic toolTip; if the text exceeds the size.


--- In, "aceoohay" <pa...@...> wrote:
> Thanks for the advice...
> I was unable to use make the suggestion of removing the height from the 
> datagrid work. Even if it did work, wouldn't that cause the headers to scroll 
> out of sight?
> Regarding using an item renderer, I have been unable to find one that will 
> expand to the height available and then scroll. "TextArea" seems to display a 
> fixed height. What item renderer would you recomend?
> Regarding the elipses/popup, how do you know when to display elipses? 
> Generally the data is only a couple of lines, very infrequently is the data 
> bigger than the entire grid.
> Paul
> --- In, "valdhor" <valdhorlists@> wrote:
> >
> > What I do in this situation is to truncate the text in the cell and add 
> > elipses. If the user needs to see all the note text, they can click on the 
> > cell which opens a new popup. If the text is short enough, I use a tooltip.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > --- In, "turbo_vb" <TimHoff@> wrote:
> > >
> > > > How can I tell the datagrid to allow cell heights greater than the
> > > grid height?
> > > Even though it's not shown, the cell height is greater than the DataGrid
> > > height.   However, the DataGrid's scroll mechanism will always take you
> > > to the next row, so this isn't an option.
> > > > How can I turn on a scrollbar for the cell?
> > > You can use an itemRenderer that has a maxHeight.  Although, having
> > > nested scrollBars is pretty bad for the user.A third option, if you
> > > don't have thousands of records, is to put the DataGrid in a container
> > > and do not set a height for the DataGrid.  In other words, go ahead and
> > > render all of the DataGrid items and have the parent container do the
> > > scrolling.  This would solve your problem by allowing smooth scrolling,
> > > but would more of a hog when it comes to performance.  But, if you don't
> > > have that many records to show, it's a decent trade-off and much better
> > > than the choppy scrolling that is native to the DataGrid.
> > > -TH
> > > --- In, "aceoohay" <pauls@> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > I have a datagrid that displays text from a notes field. I have
> > > variableRowHeight="true". This works well unless one record has a note
> > > that is larger than the height of the entire grid. In this case I cannot
> > > see the bottom of the note. It truncates the lines at the height of the
> > > grid
> > > >
> > > > There is a scroll bar for the grid, but not for the individual cell in
> > > the grid.
> > > >
> > > > Either of the following would solve my problem;
> > > >
> > > > How can I tell the datagrid to allow cell heights greater than the
> > > grid height?
> > > >
> > > > -or-
> > > >
> > > > How can I turn on a scrollbar for the cell?
> > > >
> > > > Paul
> > > >
> > >
> >

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