I think it's safe to say that I am not the only one who has had issues with the 
data visualization components. It also seems like it has been very hard to 
download an updated version of the data visualization components.

I know there in a version for 3.4 that was released but I am talking more along 
the lines of nightly builds and stable releases.

You would think you would find a version here 

As it even says:
Adobe Add-ons ... This package includes the Adobe Flash Player, Adobe AIR, the 
advanced font encoding libraries, and the code that allows licensing of things 
like the Data Visualization components.

But of course it's not there... 

Specifically I would like to download a version later than SDK so 
that I can test it for Adobe in regards to bug


I think I'm just going to have to implement the fixes in the 3.4 sdk and then 
start compiling the data visualization separately. 

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