If it's an AIR application, you can use the .orderToFront() method of your



On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 10:03 PM, nhid <nhi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> How should I go about implementing the following case:
> There's a timer on my application which will give an alert to the user 5
> minutes before the session times out.  It's working, but the problem is
> since the alert is a popup window, it appears inside the application and
> when the application is behind another application (browser, etc) or is
> minimized, the user won't see the alert and the applicaiton logs the user
> out because no action was taken.  How can I bring the application to the
> front (to focus) or maximize it so the user will see the alert?
> Any suggestion is appreciated.  Thank you!

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