I know BlazeDS allows flex to communicate with server technology, but what if I 
want to communicate from a java class.  How do I send my channel (which I've 
already set up and defined in the messaging-config file) a message and also 
hear back from the same channel?

 I can create messages like this:

                 String clientID = UUIDUtils.createUUID();
                 AsyncMessage message = new AsyncMessage(); 
                 // this header info is not currently being used
                 TreeMap <String, String>hMap = new TreeMap<String, String>();
             hMap.put("secureID", "general");
             hMap.put("reportID", repID);

// but I can't create this because I am not a ServiceAdaptor- I don't have the 
// getDestination() method.
        MessageService   service = 
// And even if I could get the service, how do I send it to a specific channel?
// And if I send a message how do I hear back from the channel?

The message needs to get sent from a servlet to the ServiceAdapter (messaging 
channel) which will in turn propagate that out to other apps, get a result and 
send confirmation that the process completed successfully back to the servlet. 
How can this be done?

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