This is not related to flex... You can try and convince google adSense /
others to provide actionscript/flash APIs.

If you do so, let me know :-)

On Sun, Sep 27, 2009 at 5:29 PM, fgnowfg <> wrote:

> --- In <>,
> "fgnowfg" <fgno...@...> wrote:
> >
> > I know it's a question that's popped up on this board time and
> again....what is the best way to publish ads in flex? The only thing I've
> come across is the iFrame hack and adsense and it seems to be a hack at
> best. Is there a better way? It doesn't even have to be adsense, I just want
> to make some money from my flex-based website. Any thoughts appreciated.
> >
> > thx!
> >
> It seems like Adobe is just shooting themselves in the foot the longer they
> wait to easily incorporate a way for developers (or, ultimately whoever ends
> up owning the website) to generate revenue w/ flex. The more I think about
> it, the more it just seems like flex is a complete waste of time until they
> get this resolved.

Fotis Chatzinikos, Ph.D.

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