Thanks for the tips, yes you understood correctly.

With the Canvas clipping and the image pinned to the center and the
following calculations/algorithm on image load and resize it is working like
a charm.

var containerWidth:int = mainContent.width;
var containerHeight:int = mainContent.height;
var imageWidth:int = bgImage.contentWidth;
var imageHeight:int = bgImage.contentHeight;
var containerRatio:Number = containerWidth/containerHeight;
var imageRatio:Number = imageWidth/imageHeight;

if( imageRatio > containerRatio )
    bgImage.width = Math.floor(imageWidth*containerHeight/imageHeight);
    bgImage.height = containerHeight;
    bgImage.height = Math.floor(imageHeight*containerWidth/imageWidth);
    bgImage.width = containerWidth;

Much appreciated!


On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 4:32 AM, dorkie dork from dorktown <> wrote:

> Hi Greg,
> I'm not sure exactly what you are trying to do but if I understand
> correctly you can do the following. You could make this into a component but
> for testing do the following.
> Add a canvas to your application. Set it to the height and width you want.
> Add an image component to it and anchor it to the vertical and horizontal
> center. Do not set width or height. Set the images vertical and horizontal
> align to middle and center. Set the source of the image. Run the
> application. Go back to the Flash Builder.
> Check when the image has loaded, add an event.complete handler. When you
> get that you'll have the width and height of the image. Now, either set the
> container to the width and height or scale the image up by either by
> increasing the scaleX, scaleY or setting the width OR height to the width
> and or height of the container.
> I would add a width and height slider and a scaleX and scaleY slider next
> to the canvas so you can test it.
> You'll have to tweak this obviously. Investigate the maintainAspectRatio
> property on the Image class, the clipContent property and the other
> properties on the Image class.
> dorkie image wrangling dork from dorktown
> On Mon, Sep 28, 2009 at 3:31 PM, Greg Hess <> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I have a content area that I need to fill with a user supplied
>> graphic. The graphic may be any aspect ratio and I want to scale the
>> image to the content area and maintain aspect ratio however, instead
>> of producing "white" space where the aspect ratio could not be
>> achieved(Standard behavior of the Image class) I would like to clip
>> the image. The area will always be filled entirely, the aspect ratio
>> will be maintained but the image may be clipped.
>> Does anyone know how I can do this?
>> Any help much appreciated.
>> Greg

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