I made a FLEX AS project based on the gotoAndlearn tutorials: FLARdemo and 
MyCollada. It works fine in my Firefox PC browser. I have my .dae 3D images 
from Blender with the .png texture (simple blue color and a few letters) as I 
But, when I Export/Release Build/ and upload the bin-release folder to my web 
site I only get the 3D images in black and the textures are gone.
I tryed Export/Other/Release Build with "Include source" and after a very long 
upload I still get the images in 3D but the objects are in black, not in color 
as in my PC browser. look at==> http://www.clrlworld.com/AR1/
I need the texture (color and letters) to use as a puzzle to read the letters 
moving around the images in 3D.
Any ideas how to get the .png colors on the .dae images after web upload??

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