I know Flex4 is still very much a beta product at this stage and that usually 
means not stable, not working, not suitable for production  etc. etc.....

But I wondered about how stable it is in building Flex SDK3 projects, I mean 
compiling to say Flex SDK3.2.

To be honest I can't see that we will move to Flex4 SDK any time soon, even 
after it is released, but the IDE has some 'basics' that are very attractive 
like conditional breakpoints etc and these are unrelated to the SDK/Framework 
level so I could imagine they could be fairly stable already and these sort of 
things won't afffect the stability of the actual compiled application anyway 
which is really the only thing that matters.

Anyone have some knowledge to share on this?

...and can't resist a moan about 'FlashBuilder', ugghh, I am NOT a flash 
developer, never have been and never will be, never even used the designer mode 
in FB :)

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