Try using Dictionary instead.

Roman Protsiuk
Software Engineer/Engineering Team Lead

Kyiv, Ukraine (GMT+2)
mobile: +38 097 321 56 54 email:<%3C/>
 skype: roman.protsiuk
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On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 1:43 AM, icepero <> wrote:

> I built a custom button component and it has a property that accepts an
> array of values. In the main.mxml file, how can I pass an array when
> defining the property?
> main.mxml has this button code:
> <comp:updateButton
> id="update"
> cubeName="{_cubeName}"
> viewName="{_viewName}"
> serverChartId="{_serverChartId}"
> titleDims="xxx"
> enabled="false"/>
> for title dims, I tried:
> titleDims="[{Month: comboBox1.text, Year:comboBox2.text, Sales
> Order:comboBox3.text}]"
> but I get a "1084: Syntax error: expecting rightparen before colon"
> The keys will have spaces in them like 'Sales Order'
> How can I declare the array in mxml?

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