It seems to me, that there is a bug/inconsistency (at least in Flexbuilder 3 
and the Flex compiler it uses) between MXML and Actionscript 3 when it comes to 
LineSeries.showDataEffect.  Or, I'm just missing or not understanding something.

For example, the following works for the showDataEffect property of LineSeries, 
no problem:

<mx:LineSeries showDataEffect="{myEffect}" />

However, when you do the same with AS3, the compiler complains and codehinting 
for showDataEffect doesn't work:

import mx.charts.series.LineSeries; //OK
var myLineSeries:LineSeries = new LineSeries(); //OK
myLineSeries.showDataEffect = myEffect; // <-- THIS BREAKS. WHY?

When I say it breaks, I mean codehinting fails to find the showDataEffect 
property on LineSeries and the compiler complains there is no showDataEffect 
property on LineSeries. Is this a bug? I have googled it, and found others have 
had the same problem, but have not found any answers (neither did they).

Any ideas?  I need to do this dynamically with AS3 if possible, but this error 
or "bug" is stopping me.


Jason Merrill
Bank of America

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