Either in your public class ModelName implements IModelLocator or inside some 
other class which is part of you model... Again I don't know your 
Are you developing this on your own?

From: Darrin Kay <dar...@stop-ing.com>
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tue, November 3, 2009 11:33:30 AM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] can you get a command result in Cairngorm call a  
function on the calling page?

so wout the setter just go in the model file?  if so any place under the 
variable definition?

On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 9:22 AM, claudiu ursica <the_braniak@ yahoo.com> wrote:

>  >
>something like that in the view model.varName. addEventListner( "change", 
>function); , however in your model setter you do something like 
>private var _whateverName: WhateverType;
>public var set varName(val: WhateverType) :void
>    if (val != _whateverName) 
>    {
>      _whateverName = val;
>    dispatchEvent("change");
>    }
>again class extend EventDispatcher ...
From: Darrin Kay <dar...@stop- ing.com>
>To: flexcod...@yahoogro ups.com
>Sent: Tue, November 3, 2009 11:15:11 AM
>Subject: Re: [flexcoders] can you get a command result in Cairngorm call a  
>function on the calling page?
>  > 
>so it would be like this : model.varName. addEventListner( change, function);
>Sorry I have not use that yet, thanks
>>On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 9:07 AM, claudiu ursica <the_braniak@ yahoo.com> wrote:
>>  >>
>>You have a model right ?
>>you can aceess the model inside the command and also inside the view. In the 
>>view you can addEvt... on the modelInstance. propertyYouwantT oListen (model 
>>class extend eventDispatcher or implements IEventDispatcher for this) update 
>>the model when in the command, view litens for the model and you call the 
From: Darrin Kay <dar...@stop- ing.com>
>>To: flexcod...@yahoogro ups.com
>>Sent: Tue, November 3, 2009 11:02:40 AM
>>Subject: Re: [flexcoders] can you get a command result in Cairngorm call a  
>>function on the calling page?
>>  >> 
>>a addEventListner would be the best but not sure how to add it to the result 
>>of the cmd file and have it kick off a function in the view page
>>On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 8:35 AM, claudiu ursica <the_braniak@ yahoo.com> wrote:
>>>  >>>
>>>I have no idea what your architecture is, but if you use Cairngorm which I 
>>>gather you do since you mentioned in the title you can still do some more or 
>>>less dirty tircks in there. Put something in your model a boolean flag along 
>>>with the data you want in your view. In the view bind the boolean data and 
>>>execute a function (your function) when the bindings tirggers... when the 
>>>data comes back from the server you just do boolFlah = !boolFlag and it 
>>>fires your triggers... Dirty but it will do it ... 
From: Darrin Kay <dar...@stop- ing.com>
>>>To: flexcod...@yahoogro ups.com
>>>Sent: Tue, November 3, 2009 10:29:34 AM
>>>Subject: Re: [flexcoders] can you get a command result in Cairngorm call a  
>>>function on the calling page?
>>>  >>> 
>>>I can not add any 3rd party tools to the app.  can you think of any another 
>>>On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 8:23 AM, claudiu ursica <the_braniak@ yahoo.com> 
>>>>  >>>>
>>>>You can attach an IResponder (with the result and fault functions) from 
>>>>your view as payload to your event. Inside your command you'll get the 
>>>>response/faul from the server and call the appropriate function on the 
>>>>IResponder reference. Check for UniversalMind cairngorm extension they 
>>>>explain this... However is doable and probably withhout the cairngorm 
>>>>extentsions ...
From: Darrin Kay <dar...@stop- ing.com>
>>>>To: flexcod...@yahoogro ups.com
>>>>Sent: Tue, November 3, 2009 10:18:51 AM
>>>>Subject: [flexcoders] can you get a command result in Cairngorm call a 
>>>>function on the  calling page?
>>>>  >>>> 
>>>>OK I have a sequence issue, I have a page that calls an event, which goes 
>>>>all the way to a cf page and the DB, on the Result I need to have a 
>>>>function on the page get called.  Is there a way to do this?  I tried a 
>>>>addEventListener on the submit button, but the sequence is still off.
>>>> D



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