I've having an extremely agonizing time dealing with mysterious alert  
messages when trying to debug my Flex Builder 3 project. Debugging  
begins, the status bar reads "Launching project: (91%)", the  
application loads in the browser and displays, but back in Flex it  
hangs with an error message:

Launch Failed

Invalid argument

This error message could be more informative. As is, no details, no  
line number given.

Fixes I've tried, in combination and alone, to no avail:
        ) Clean Project.
        ) Strip mxml down to single bare Application tag.
        ) Delete build folder.

Install details:
Mac OS X 10.6.1
Safari 4.0.3 (6531.9)
Flex Builder 3.0.2
Flash Player content debugger

Any insight would be terrific.


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